Sunday, August 14, 2011

cloth diapering

Since we are, as usual up at 7 am, yet to go to bed, I've been "trolling" webpages. I've entered so many giveaways recently, you'd think I might actually manage to win something....anything....NOPE. But, I have learned quite a bit, and seen tons of differnet cloth diapers. There are so many cute choices out there. Not to mention tons of brands, how exactly does one choose? Well for my family the biggest factor is cost. We discussed switching to cloth while I was pregnant with out 8 1/2 mth old. Because our little girls are 12 mths and 5 days apart. Talk about a shocker! Anyway, we thought we'd be ok. We knew we would be spending a lot of money on diapers, but we thought it'd be easier on me to stay with the disposables. However, the cost ia insane, and the quality ever decreasing. The chemical smells are what finally sent me over the edge. After our last doctor visit, and vaccines I seriously believed there was something wrong with our youngest. The smells coming from the diaper could only be from her urine...wrong it was the diapers! We had been using Luvs for a long time, now they are thin and rough and leak like crazy! So I was already doing more laundry, as there was always blow outs and leaks (soaking in urine every morning!). Unfortunately due to finances we are still at 6 diapers. But, I am feeling satisfied with the choice. We are still mostly disposable at this point. Sharing 6 between the two girls doesnt last long. And I am having to triple stuff the night time diaper for my toddler. I definitely need to find a better way to get her thru the night. But it is so great to not find her floating away every morning!
I've been checking craigslist constantly, but a lot of people want more than I have to spend. And that's used! So I am having a hard time making the switch. Needless to say I could use some free diapers, or greatly reduced diapers. Some diaper/fluff charity! Here's to hoping I manage to win something! The diapers we got are Nubunz, and at the moment they are $4.50 for velcro and $5.00 for snaps. They've only got one color in snaps, and very limited in velcro. I'm afraid to go with too much velcro, as my toddler is crafty about taking off diapers!
So that's all for now I guess. LO is getting grouchy again.

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